


This word was made for me!  At least now it is.  A little over 5 years ago I moved to Kentucky from North Carolina.  This is only the 3rd place I have lived since becoming an “adult”.  I was in North Carolina, in the same town and the same church for 25 years, so  you can imagine how difficult it was for an introvert, shy women to move across states in her early 50’s.  Now I have to giggle as I type introvert and shy because I would say that most people that know me now, would not describe me as an introvert and shy.  But on the insides, that still describes me to a tea. Just in case you don’t know what an introvert looks like, click here… Introvert . This describes me, even now, with the exception of blood pressure(family inherited, thanks). Anyway, I’m coming to the word, yes, that word intentional.   Now I was just ripped away from everything that I was comfortable with and once in Kentucky, I was all but comfortable.



I settled in my home, found a job and decided on a church family.  Those were the easy parts, now I had to find relationships.  Even though I’m an introvert, I love relationships.  Always have!  I have people, that I would still call friends, since elementary school and I cherish everyone of them.  I have always been intentional about my relationships.  But starting a new set of relationships was more difficult than I imagined.

I’m going to detour a minute from me being intentional to encouraging others to be intentional. Things to pay attention to if you will.

  1. If you notice someone at church, work or in a social group that you don’t recognize, reach out.
  2. If you notice someone that is obviously sad, show compassion and concern.
  3. If you notice someone that is struggling to get their footing in the new surrounding, walk beside them.

Now for me, skipping past 5 years.  I had very few be intentional with me, I am so grateful for those that were.  So I grabbed hold of that word “INTENTIONAL” and ran with it.  I ungracefully flubbed things up sometimes but it was so full filling on the times I showed “Grace” with my intentionality.  I may not be the life of the party or get the most “likes” on my social media but you can be sure that walking intentional in my day to day life is a part of who I am.

I realized that I had that greatest example of being Intentional.  Wasn’t God intentional from the start, as he created everything so beautifully, created man and then created woman to be with man.   He watched what was created and was saddened, He knew then what you and I needed now.  He marks His every move with intentionality.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Matthew 28:19

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Being intentional is a must.  We may muddle through this life just fine without it, but we won’t sore through as was intended.


As part of my journey with intentionality, I wrote a 5 day post on being intentional.  If you’d like to read it click here…..  Intentional

“Intentional” by Travis Greene

Thank You Lord for your plan, thank You Jesus for your love and thank You Holy Spirit for walking through it with me.  Amen!


10 thoughts on “Intentional

  1. Thank you Rhonda. I enjoyed getting to know you more💙. And I love how you brought our attention to God’s intentions, leaving us with a choice to “muddle” or follow. May He bless your Friday, Julie from FMF


  2. Things to pay attention to if you will.

    If you notice someone at church, work or in a social group that you don’t recognize, reach out.
    If you notice someone that is obviously sad, show compassion and concern.
    If you notice someone that is struggling to get their footing in the new surrounding, walk beside them.

    I love these 3 things you added for us to pay attention to as we seek to be intentional with others. Thank you for giving me something to ponder!
    Thank you for sharing your heart.
    Eyes on Jesus… you’re shining!
    Lisa #30 at FMF


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