
Philippians 2:3-11

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. …

James 4:6

But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”


Humility, this is a hard one. We all want to be humble but sometimes that takes us to a place of being prideful that we’re so humble.  Does that make sense?   We’re so proud of the fact that we are humble that we actually become NOT humble.   I catch myself doing that sometimes.  I catch myself doing exactly what Philippians 2 tells me NOT to do, count myself more significant than others and look to my interest over others.  Am I alone in this?   In James 4, pride is something that God opposes but yet he gives grace to the humble.  I think for me humility is a constant self inventory of my behavior and thoughts throughout the day.   Just being aware of how He would view them.  Not so much that my every focus is on it because that’s when pride can creep in but making little changes as I become aware of them.  I absolutely may be rambling and making no sense at all but surely I can’t be alone in this quest for humility.

Now for the reason I choose the picture I did for this post.  I was at CR (Celebrate Recovery) tonight and the lesson was on Victory.  Part of the Victory is turning over our character defects to God and with that turning over comes the start of humility.  So in the lesson it was stated:

Humility is like Underwear! 

Yes, I had this confused look on my face I’m sure.

Then it was said:

You can have it but you don’t have to let it show.

And I laughed out loud!

How clever is that????????????

You might not see the humor in it but I hope you understand that to count others as more significant than ourselves and to look to their interests more than ours is something that God finds favor in.  Just as in finding Victory you must, voluntarily submit, identify your defects, change your mind, turn over those defects, take one day at a time, recovery is a process and you must choose to change then and only then will Humility be a natural part of who you are.

Lord, I ask you to help me choose to Not count equally with You but take the form of a servant.  Amen!


2 thoughts on “Humility

  1. I am on a journey towards humility also. It is hard to celebrate milestones on that journey without becoming prideful about how humble you are, lol! However, I think the Lord wants us to recognize when we’re becoming more like Him and He affirms us in that. His affirmation doesn’t lead to pride, but my response is to want to be even more like Him. He is good!


    1. You’re words are exactly correct. Well said! Way more eloquent than mine. I definitely celebrate each and every day that He has shown me a better way to a better me. Thanks for unmuddling my muddle. A good team!

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