My Why

Many years ago when I was a child I had a dream of helping individuals and families. As many, life got in the way. I made choices that impacted my childhood dreams and then one day I woke up and those childhood dreams were now God’s plan for me. My question to myself was, “But how?”

This is my “Why”. Because I know what it’s like to have a dream, have a calling, have God given gifts and not know where to use them. My prayer now is that God will use me to help others figure out what he wants them to do with what he has gifted them with and how to break free from the things that have held them back. We all have done it! Don’t be shamed or regretful, because as long as you have breath God will show and provide you with the way.

Well, when I realized God was still calling me, I started on the path that he laid out so that I could be the very best for those who he placed in front of me to help. Training is sometimes necessary to be the best you can be. I embarked on that training path and achieved one of my first goals and that is becoming a ICF ACC certified coach. I did this so that I could show up for my clients by being the best me so I could help them be the best them. You can click on the link to see what the International Coaching Federations says a coach is and stands for.

I stand by the ICF and CCNI ethical standards. I encourage you to click the links below and ask me any questions you may have. You can click on my ICF ACC badge to link over to ICF site to view the Code of Ethics and get more information on ICF.