New understanding with each step closer to God.

I serve with heart and mind, fostering a trustworthy partnership, to ignite movement. Helping clients connect the dots between experiences and relationships, bringing awareness and removing obstacles so forward motion is achieved. But most importantly, helping clients walk closer to God by looking at Jesus as their example and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide their steps.

Overcoming adversity and life’s challenges are connotations of the lotus flower because they’re most commonly found in swampy, difficult terrain and emerge from the dark, muddy water looking pristine and beautiful. You too can find yourself overcoming, emerging pristine and beautiful.

Life will throw some punches, so become more resilient through spirit building conversations.

Building a relationship with God like you’ve never had or known was possible is a needed practice.

Finding purpose, balance and boundary setting.

Click here to see why Coaching will help!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

 I have seen in myself growth, hope, and healing. It was not easy, quick or without some pain. But it was worth every movement I had to make. I believe that in whatever season that we are in, we must draw our strength from who God is and the heart that He freely gives to us. Through this drawing we will be able to soar through our growth, hope and healing. Isaiah 40:31

Testimony: “our share time together was most helpful but also the fact that I was expected to be quiet. I was okay not to engage with others when I saw them. Absolutely would recommend this retreat.”

Testimony: “I learned that truly connecting to God requires intentional alone time with Him. I can read His word, listen to it, go to church, do bible studies, etc but am I taking the quiet alone time to truly talk to Him and discern His message to me? Definitely recommend this retreat.”

Entering into a coaching session with a coach who is willing to walk in the steps with you can be more beneficial than you can even imagine. Helping open our eyes to whatever it is that God has for us and laying a pathway to get there.

I’ve just started writing my thoughts on things that God brings to my mind. Short and meaningful, even if only to me.

You can now order my book, “The Journey: Finding healing through Scripture from Life’s hard Questions” at or at Joseph Beth Book Store in Lexington, KY.