Why Coaching?

Most people unknowingly hold themselves back.  While holding back, they are missing career opportunities, new relationships, fun adventures and so much more. As a coach, I help people reveal the patterns that hold them back. And as they reveal those patterns, they will start to cultivate their future and success, regardless of where they start.  If they delay then in 10 years they will be in the same place. Start today by clicking the link below to contact me for your free initial session.

I am a ICF ACC (Associate Certified Coach) coach. I received my training through PCCI. I specialize in helping reveal patterns that are holding you back.  I believe that every client has the ability within themselves to break the patterns and promote forward movement into career opportunities, new relationships, fun adventures and so much more. I consult with clients centered around having healthy boundaries and dealing with difficult people, hard conversations and becoming culturally competent.

What is a life coach and do you personally, your business or your employees need one?

A coach is a collaborative partner, not a hired expert. A coach is not a consultant, mentor, counselor, or adviser because he or she is non-directive. We say that coaching is done “from the inside out” rather than “from the outside in”.

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